World Book Day : Poetry Competition

To quote one of the great authors of this century, JK Rowling ‘It matters not what someone is born but what they grow to be’ thus spoken by Dumbeldore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School.

Our school here in Guatemala is often just as magical, as we watch our students transform under the care of their teachers to be all that they dream to be.

This April 23 was World Book Day. We focused on the power of books and poetry to transform. This year, our poetry competition created much enchantment, with heart stopping results from our winners. They demonstrated the wonder that is within each and every one of our students.

The contest was divided into three categories, Prepa to third grade, fourth to sixth grade and seventh to ninth grade. The winners got a basket of educational prizes, such as board games and books.

Here are the winners:


Mathematics Fair


Focusing On University