Give a big applause for our amazing fourth graders!

In an exciting school project, they organised themselves into groups to prepare and present theatre plays with all their overflowing creativity. From the classic Little Red Riding Hood to the funny adventures of Tom and Jerry, they delighted us with amazing performances.

Theatre not only provides them with a space to express themselves artistically, but also plays a fundamental role in their overall development. As they rehearsed and performed in front of the audience, we watched their confidence and self-esteem blossom. Each child found their voice and immersed themselves in the world of performance, empowering their imagination and creativity.

Beyond the fun and smiles they bring to each performance, theatre provides them with valuable social skills. They learn to work as part of a team, to listen to and respect the ideas of others, and to be more understanding and empathic. These skills are essential for their personal growth and for facing the challenges of everyday life.

As a community, we can be part of this beautiful process. We invite you to sponsor one of our talented children and be part of their artistic journey. With your support, we can continue to foster theatre and creative development in future generations - together, let's make their light shine brighter than ever!


Voices of Hope: Empowering Young Women


Magic and talent: A look at The School of Hope's 20th Anniversary Talent Show